The Chief Surveyor General is an official of the government responsible for government surveying in South Africa. His duties include to be in control of cadastral surveying and land information services as the minister might direct it. He should also promote and control all matters connected to those services and surveys.
The Surveyor General of each of the provinces is responsible for inspecting surveys, uploading them and keeping the documents available for land surveyors in their respective provinces.
So where can you find a Surveyor General?
The Chief Surveyor General is in his office in Pretoria. You can find his office at the following address on your map: 219 Bosman St, 2nd Floor Rentmeester building, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, 0002.
Contact details: 012 326 8050
Eastern Cape
The Surveyor General (Chris Williams – Wynn) office for the Eastern Cape is situated in East London at the following address: 1A Waverly office park, 11 Phillip Frame Road, Chislehurst, East London. Their postal address is Private bag X9086, East London, 5200.
Their contact details are (043) 783-1400,
Free State and Northern Cape
The Surveyor General for the Free State and Northern Cape is situated in Bloemfontein. The surveyor is Rose Mdubeki. Their office is situated at the following address: Omni Centre, 73 Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein, 9300.
Their contact details are: (051) 448-0955 and email:
Western Cape
The Surveyor General of the Western Cape is situated in Cape Town. Julian Williamson is the person to contact. Their offices is at the following address: Revenue Building, Plein Street, Cape Town. Their contact details are (012) 465 7358 and
The Surveyor General of Mpumalanga is situated in Nelspruit. Victor Constable is the person to contact there. Their offices are situated at the following address: Medcen Building, 14 Henshall Street, Nelspruit, 1200.
Their contact details are: (013) 754-5400 and
The Surveyor General of Limpopo is situated in Polokwane. Mason Sibanda is the person to contact there. Their offices are located at the following address: 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, 0700.
Their contact details are (015) 283 2300 and
The Surveyor General of KwaZulu-Natal (kzn) is not situated in Durban, but rather in Pietermaritzburg (pmb). Nondwe Monyake is the person to contact there. Their offices are located at the following address: 300 Pietermaritzburg Street, Pietermaritzburg.
Their contact details are (033) 355 2900 and
The Surveyor of Gauteng is located in Pretoria. Pontsho Tsotetsi is the person to contact there. Their Address is as follows: Merino Building, corner of Pretorius and Bosman Street, Pretoria.
Their contact details are 012 303 1601 and
There is currently no Surveyor General in Johannesburg, however, you may speak to the one in Pretoria for all your Gauteng needs.
North West
The Surveyor of the North West is located in Megacity, Mmabotho. Innocent Dludla is the person to contact there. Their offices are at the following address: 3139 Sekame Street, 1st Floor West Gallery, Megacity, Mmabatho, 2735.
Their contact details are (018) 388- 7095 and
What does the Surveyor General do?
The Surveyor General of each province surveys the records, including the examination, approval and safekeeping of the survey records. These relate to all the diagrams, draft sectional plans and general plans for the province for registration purposes.
One of his most important duties is to keep accurate records and to allow access to these records by the land surveyors that need them in that province. They also ensure the accuracy of the surveys and make sure that the surveys are fit for their purpose.
Surveyor General Fees
The Surveyor’s fees change from time to time to adjust for inflation and other costs associated with their services. The full fee scale can be found here.
Surveyor General Search
You can search the data and maps if you have the document number or the town, region or farm name. The place where you can search the database is here. On their website you can also search in the index for diagrams, sectional title plans, spatial data and maps.
Frequently asked questions
Can quantity surveyors work in a bank?
Yes. A quantity surveyor that works at a bank will work in a bank monitoring role. This means they will most likely manage a portfolio of developers along the full process of them applying for loans and paying it back after the development has been sold.
Where can the surveyor general act be found?
The Land Survey Amendment Act of 1972 (Act 71, 1972) can be found on our website, here.